Saturday, October 3, 2009

Fantastic News on Moody Bridge Road!

67 acres of land on Moody Bridge Road in Hadley that could have been used for a housing development will now be saved following their sale to the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service. The owner of the property, if my memory is correct, is the person who challenged the development-limiting law in Hadley several years back because she wanted to sell this land for a subdivision. Her efforts resulted in the State Supreme Court ruling the law unconstitutional, and thus it was repealed, paving the way for uncontrolled development.

Thankfully, the character of Moody Bridge Road will not be compromised (it's a really beautiful street if you've never driven it)! 82 acres on it were also preserved last year.

This isn't the end of the battle, though. There is plenty more land that needs to be saved from development!

Read the article in the Republican here.

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